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Should You Sell Your Home? Deciding When It’s Time

For many, the question of whether to stay or sell your home can arise unexpectedly due to job changes, divorce, family expansion, health issues, or marriage. However, for others, it’s a decision that requires careful consideration.

Selling your home is a significant decision that can profoundly impact your life. To make the right choice, it’s essential to identify your priorities and understand what you stand to gain by selling. Here are three crucial questions to guide your decision:

  1. Evaluate Your Current Property:
    • What do you value about your current home, and what do you find lacking?
    • Create a list of pros and cons, considering all aspects of your home and how well it aligns with your lifestyle.
    • If changes are needed, explore whether renovation is a viable option.
  2. Assess Your Current Location:
    • Reflect on the pros and cons of your neighborhood.
    • Recall the reasons you initially chose to live in your area and assess whether those reasons remain valid.
  3. Consider the Financial Picture:
    • Are you looking to reduce expenses by downsizing to a smaller, less expensive home?
    • Has your financial situation improved since your home purchase, making it the right time to move on?

By answering these questions, you can gain clarity on your priorities and make a well-informed decision about whether to stay or sell your home.”

Please contact Jared Gibbons, your local realtor, should you have any questions!

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