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Your Essential Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Embrace the fall season by getting your home maintenance ready for the months ahead. Whether you’re aiming to boost energy efficiency or fortify against unpredictable weather, these straightforward tasks will ensure your home is both cozy and secure.



1. Fire Up the Furnace

2. Filter Refresh

3. Fan Direction Check

4. Hunt for Leaks

5. Gutter TLC

6. Detector Duty

7. Outdoor Plumbing Prep

8. Roof Check-Up

9. Fireplace TLC

10. Trim Trees and Shrubs

11. Garage Organization

12. Emergency Kit Readiness

Dedicating time to these fall maintenance tasks is an investment in the future comfort and safety of your home. Be prepared for the changing seasons and any potential emergencies that may arise.

Please contact Jared Gibbons, your local realtor, should you have any questions.

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